Friday, May 16, 2008

Cooking Up A Storm

I haven't been cooking much lately, what with chickenpox hitting the house and then a house full of visitors and a birthday party last weekend, we have survived on the basics of pasta, pasta, bbqs and a bit more pasta. All very good but today we returned to 'proper' family meals.

We had a lovely dish of left over gammon in a cheesey sauce and had some gorgeous roasted vegetables with it. Very tasty and even Daniel ate some (will blog about Daniel's issues with food another day!)

We also baked some cupcakes today as Lilly wasn't at pre-school and the weather wasn't really good enough for playing in the garden. I can't believe that I have only just discovered Squires food colouring pastes. They are amazing! The cakes in the picture are coloured lilac but have 5 others to try. The colour hasn't come out great on the photos but it is so beautiful. SO much better than those supermarket food colours - I'm addicted now and can't wait to try out the other colours.

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