Monday, May 28, 2007

25 Things To Do On A Rainy Day

1. Stare out of window.
2. Put toys back in box.
3. Watch Lilly tip toys onto floor.
4. Hold Dan.
5. Breastfeed.
6. change poo covered baby and clothes.
7. Eat.
8. Contemplate scrubbing upstairs floors
9. Ditch the idea.
10. Drink tea.
11. Wash up.
12. Stare at contents of fridge.
13. Wonder if I can make a dinner out of eggs and cheese.
14. Ditch the idea.
15. Read The Gruffalo three times.
16. Change nappies.
17. Make breakfast - Bircher Muesli
18. Think I am probably not like Anthea Turner.
19. Put Dan down for a sleep.
20. Listen to Dan grunt
21. Contemplate having a shower
22. Ditch the idea
23. Drink tea
24. Stare
25. Count minutes until another big person is in the house

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Three Weeks Three Days

Our little man now weighs in at 11 pounds and is a feeding/sleeping monster. He is a textbook newborn and is no problem at all, he is a bit windy but hey after the Princess' colic we can deal with wind.

Breastfeeding hasn't been quite as straightforward as last time round (mastitis, ouchy nips and a very hungry baby all add to the pain) but I am keeping going for now as it was such a beautiful experience last time and although I have suffered a little bit, the man himself is piling the weight on like a sumo, so something is working well.

DH and I have decided that this week we have to reclaim the house and ramp up the discipline with the Princess, it's not that she is naughty but little habits that we don't like have started to form, and so we are stamping on the bad behaviour now before any harm is done. This might sound harsh as she really is a little beauty but we think it is wise to take action before a brat develops.

She is doing really well with the transition to big sister from 'centre of attention' but a few odd behaviours have started to appear - not wanting me to leave her side, not joining in with things that she previously enjoyed and a shyness that up to now was unheard of. This, without a doubt, is all related to the arrival of Dan and I have been told that this is all normal stuff that will pass with time. I hope so. I miss my confident, party animal little nutter. That said, she is so loving and kind to baby D and takes her role as big sis very seriously. So really I couldn't or shouldn't ask for more right now.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


So, the Prince is now two weeks old and is doing great. He has put on 10 ounces in the past 4 days so we can safely say "my boobs rock!". Also, the midwife is happy that his jaundice is clearing and decided that a blood test for liver function isn't necessary.

He has been feeding every two hours for the past two days and suffered with some terrible wind pain which kept us up a LOT at night but last night was much more settled so I am hoping that that was just a growth spurt/blip and we are going to go back to quiet, placid Danny again.

We are amazed at how the Prince has settled into out lives, when the Princess was born we barely had time to eat or speak but life is continuing fairly normally at the moment (although it does take an awful long time to get out of the house these days). I might change my mind on that though next week when Daddy goes back to work and I am left single handed. Watch this space.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

One Week On

The Prince is now 8 days old and is just beautiful.

At the moment he is a very quiet, sleepy, placid baby. He is so good to his Mummy and is currently only waking twice at night and after a feed he goes straight back to sleep. Long may it last!!!!!

He has had slight jaundice since birth and is now spending all his days in our conservatory trying to clear it up. I think today I can see an improvement and so I hope by the time the midwife next visits she will declare it gone - if not it would mean a little trip to hospital to sleep under a sunlamp, but fingers crossed that won't be necessary.

The Princess is now recovering from her chest and ear infections and has gone out with Daddy this morning to a local garden centre to look at the animals in the pet shop there and to get some fresh air.

Yesterday we heard that she had won a prize in a local council run art competition. She had to colour in and decorate a butterfly and she got a 'Highly Commended' in the under 4's catagory.
She has been invited to an evening prize presentation by the lord mayor, followed by tea and cakes and a magic show. Wow - Daddy and I collapsed into tears with pride - goodness knows how we will cope when she passes exams etc later in life.

We are so proud of our children - what did we do to get so lucky??????