Thursday, November 29, 2007


It's offical we are all booked. First 4 days with Mickey Mouse and friends in Paris and then home for a day then off to our favourite farm in Cornwall for lots of horse riding, cream teas, egg collecting, sandcastle building and above all fun. Woohoo.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Our Cottage
Our Cottage,
originally uploaded by Kazza, Mizzo, Lils and Daniel.
We have booked half of our holiday for next summer.

After much thought and changing the destination numerous times we have eventually decided to holiday in this country. We have booked the same cottage that we stayed in last September and we are all really excited already. It is on a fab farm and in a beautiful location with loads for the children to do. Perfect.

As I said this is half of the holiday, the other half should be booked by the end of the week and includes a trip on a train, a mouse and lots and lots of princesses - any guesses???

This is all so exciting as we are currently having a rotten time with colds, fevers, sickness and infections so having something to look forward to helps take us out of the bleurghhhhhh.

It's an awful long time 'til summer though, so am perking myslef up with the thought of buying our Christmas tree and getting some blinging lights going!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I have barely left the house in a week. There has been so much snot and vomit that I felt I might drown at one point! The Princess still isn't well and now D Boy has it too - arghhhhh.

We have been lucky that he hadn't got ill before this point to be honest but he is doing it in style now. Snot and sick are still featuring highly on the daily agenda.

We were planning on booking our summer holiday today, it remains to be seen if we are able to drag two ill kids to the high street or whether we spend ANOTHER day holed up in the house.

I feel like my world has shrunk and it will be weird to go out and mix with other humans again - it's been that long.

Fingers crossed they both recover quickly or we all might just go out of our minds............

Friday, November 23, 2007


In honour of American Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful for....

My babies

My friends and family


The internet and internet shopping (see below)

Ocado - food shopping done and will be delivered to the door on Christmas eve

Baby breath


Gingerbread lattes


My new Christmas cd

My organic fruit and veg box


Monday, November 12, 2007


I have just spent the past three hours making Christmas tree ornaments. That's right - ME - making stuff.

Ok, so I'm not very good, but it has been loads of fun and I can't wait to do more.

I have enrolled myself in a holiday ornament swap. Which is basically as follows..

Hand make 10 tree ornaments

Receive a list of 10 people scattered around the world

Package up your ornaments and send them off to your 10 names

Wait, drink egg nog and Mr Postie will turn up at the door with 10 beautiful handmade ornaments from around the globe to hang on my tree.

Ohhhhh Exciting!!!

I pity the poor people who end up with my effort but at least the thought is there and they are made with love.

I will post a picture soon but the six I made tonight are really just test pieces, I hope to improve my skills for the ones I send out.

What's going on with me? I'll be entering cooking competitions next - oh yes that's right it's all going Martha Stewart around here.

Friday, November 09, 2007

What's Crackalackin ?

Not so much really.

Last night I was in my bed ASLEEP for six, yes six, solid hours. Maybe we are turning a corner. I'm not feeling any better though, I am still preoccupied with my age, my incredibly sore neck, my lost youth and my less than perky body parts. It's all very self indulgent and I should really pull myself together and think myself lucky etc etc

Believe me, I know just how lucky I am. My kids are amazing, beautiful - yadda yadda yadda.

I was discussing with a friend today how I am feeling ready to pull back a little part of the old me. It's fabulous being a Mummy but it's also pretty darn cool being Kazza, so sometime soon I will re-emerge from my cocoon of mummydom and hit the world full on again.

I'm not sure I will ever be the same girl who danced on tables 'til dawn, was always the last to leave, who was always one step ahead of the trends, who sipped champagne on the house beacause 'management' wanted girls like us there BUT I can be a bit more 'me' and so soon the transformation will begin. First step in the transformation will be to sort this old body out. I would like to say that I will be Kate Moss thin by Christmas but this is unlikely, it's a starting place though and slowly but surely next year my other resolutions MIGHT fall into place.

In other news, I have bought a memory foam pillow to help my aching neck - it's like sleeping on a breeze block but hey it might work.

Tomorrow is a day packed with ballet, visiting and shopping at Hobbycraft, yep it's all rock and roll around here - it might take a while for the old me to make a reappearance!!!

looks cool by the way, in a geeky list making kind of way - ask my husband I am THE queen of to do lists.