Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm a Mum!!!

I said I'm a Mum - I'm a Mum of two.

How can it be?

This is me.

I am the girl who once said that her dream job was a 'pole dancer' and that's nothing to do with getting my groove on in Poland. I'm the girl who would be at every party and always be the last to leave - that was me!

I am the girl who lived in an area that saw me at the wrong end of a gun and had almost daily threats of violence aimed at me.

I am the girl who grew up a little and decided she wanted to start a family and whose baby didn't come along as planned.

I am the girl who went through ten years of heartache and thinking I would never be called Mummy.

I am now a different person, I live in a beautiful area in a beautiful home with my lovely hubby and my TWO children. I am a housewife and am living the life that I always wanted.

I am so lucky and today I am so very grateful to HIM for my family and the happiness they have brought into my life.

Oh, and by the way - there is still a bit of me that would LOVE to pole dance.

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