Wednesday, August 24, 2005

There Must Be Another Way

I have been thinking about food quite a lot recently, what with the Jamie Oliver series on TV highlighting the rubbish fed to our children most of time and the recent documentaries about what the supermarkets are up to with our food.

It got me to thinking about how I want to shape how the Princess thinks and feels about the food she puts into her body. I want food to be a joy to her and for her to understand what real honest food tastes like without all the additives and preservatives which are jammed into so much 'food'. I would truly love for her to understand about how food affects health and for her to discover the joys of organic meat and vegetables and what it means to eat seasonally and locally.

To this end I have just signed up with an organic delivery company for our vegetables and fruit and am looking into the meat aspect. The stuff offered in supermarkets is poor to say the least and so this is my next option.

Our first box will be delivered in a weeks time - I'll let you know what we get!!!!

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