Friday, August 26, 2005

Making Cash The SAHM Way

Autumn is fast approaching and I have started to gather beautiful items of clothing for the Princess to wear for the coming season. The trouble is that everything I love is sooooo expensive.

I need to make money but I have these restraints

a) I have to stay home
b) It has to be earnt whilst the Princess is sleeping
c) I don't want to work hard

Not so easy eh?!

So far I am making a few pennies by

a) Selling our old rubbish on Ebay
b) Doing Market Research on the internet (for which I get paid approx £1 for 15 mins - not great)

I need to think of other things to do. I have considered doing Avon or something similar but there it seems that you have to spend a lot of time chasing people for catalogues etc, so that would get on my nerves.

We have a webcam so maybe I could earn money using that, if you know what I mean!!!! (Note to family - I am only joking)

Or horror of horrors I could resist all the gorgeous clothes out there in the shops. I think we all know that that is never going to happen but I will try to resist anything that isn't absolutely necessary. I have already bought a pink tutu which is covered with sequins - vital for the girl about town!!!! Oh dear!!!

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