Friday, August 05, 2005

Oh Deer

Been pretty busy this week, as we have two lots of family staying. One set in a hotel nearby and another staying at our house. As you can imagine not much time spare for blogging. Today, though hubby has taken our houseguest to Windsor to soak up some history and the others are spending the day at a nearby attraction. Therefore the princessI have the day to ourselves. So far we have just played played played and she has now collapsed to sleep so I now have to do all the chores (and of course write this).

SO off now to sort laundry, make a lasagne for tonights meal and do some general tidying up - exciting eh?

In other news, I have lost half a stone (so very very excited as my jeans are falling off me therefore I NEED to go clothes shopping very soon) and I forgot to mention the other day that I came face to face with a deer this week. It was so beautiful and I was about six foot away from it. We just stared at each other and then it watched as I walked on past. I don't know why I didn't take a photo as I had my phone in my hand but my heart was beating so fast with excitment that I think I was just concentrating on not scaring the poor thing to death. I love where I live.

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