Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fog Is Clearing

Thank goodness.

The past few months have been awful, I have had loads to worry about and things have been pretty tough emotionally, but things are looking up...

We had a scan last week and baby is looking great, in fact it is a week ahead in size and the lovely consultant has offered us another scan in December for piece of mind.

The princess has been sick all week with raging temperatures and yesterday that finally lifted and we were able to leave the house. She also ate a meal (tiny though it was) for the first time since last Saturday.

The princess also went to see Santa in his gingerbread house yesterday and after her inital reluctance she loved seeing him and chatted away telling him that she would be leaving him a mince pie and some carrots for Rudolph.

Another big thing yesterday was the Princess moving to her new PINK big girls bedroom. She loves it and actually asked to go to bed last night. She slept brilliantly and didn't get up until 8am - what a girl.

So things are brighter, just a couple of things to sort out and life might run smoothly for a while.

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