Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Emotional Chick Alert

If you know me, you will know that I am very emotional and am always close to tears. Anything can set me off. Happy or sad it doesn't matter. I cry at tv programmes, films, couples kissing goodbye at airports, children being told off - I have even cried at work whilst sitting with the boss getting an appraisal - I KNOW!!

Anyway, I don't know why I was surprised when it turned out the Princess has this emotional gene! She is such an adventurous, outgoing, thrill seeking little miss but it just takes something unexpected to throw her off balance and the tears appear.

Whenever she is teething we go through a terrible time with her crying for no reason whilst in groups of other children. This did worry me a little but I think I have found out why she has these moments.

I have been reading up on attachment parenting and theory. Primary attachment happens at about 18 months and as the Princess is not in childcare she has attached to me as Primary Carer. This means that basically she puts 100% of her trust in me and can open up all the emotions she has. She feels secure enough to say - 'hey Mummy that child just made a weird noise - it frightened me and I need you to reassure me'

It is kind of like the way we as adults can deal with something stressful & be really calm, but then when we are at home safely with our partner, we breakdown into tears as we tell them about it.

This is also why children can be 'a nightmare' for you but then go off with someone else (grandparent/friend/childcare) and be 'as good as gold'. They don't have that emotional attachment to that person in the same way as they do to you.

As I am a SAHM this is amplified as all of her emotional trust is in me.

Sounds simple but it can still be distressing to see her visably upset - but then I only have to look at myself to see where she gets it from!

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