Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Apprentice

Thank goodness that Syed has gone. That bloke was driving me crazy. In my previous life (the one where I wore suits and went out to work) I have met several people just like Syed and they all did my head in - so the correct decision was made when he was fired (bet Alan Sugar is pleased that I am confirming his decision!)

Just a thought - I expect he smells really nice though!

In other news today - I have suffered with really bad hayfever - so much so that my eyes closed up and I was unable to see for half an hour. Several hours after this rather exciting event I read in the paper that April is the month for Silver Birch pollen and that more and more people are becoming allergic - great! I live in a place full of trees - maybe we should move back to Slough where the only tree to be seen in the town is this one - it's metal!!!!

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