Monday, October 31, 2005

Where Did That Extra Hour Go?

I remember a time when the clocks going back meant either an extra hour in bed or and extra hour drinking - both equally good!

Now that we have a small person in the house who really doesn't care about turning over and grabbing another lazy hour, all that this weekend meant was a start of the depression of short days and long nights - but at least we have the excitment and bling of Christmas to look forward to.

Don't get me wrong we had a great weekend. It was filled with toddlers in fancy dress, wine, pizza, sausage sandwiches and a whole lot of drawing, dancing and playing. We spent time with friends and laughed a lot so all that can't be bad.

I miss those long lazy mornings in bed, but when the Princess jumps on top of you and plants a big kiss on your mouth you do realise that there are better things in life than a duvet!

In other news: The Princess has graduated to a new class in her football lessons and I can tell you it was a shock to the system this morning - gone is the singing and gentle playing. We have moved on to a new longer session which is full on activity and ball skills - yes you heard that correctly - ball skills!!!! It is now officially proper football and it was exhausting - FOR ME. The Princess also came home and collapsed into a two and a half hour sleep so I think she felt it too. Look out Beckham there's a new girl in town.

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