Monday, October 03, 2005

Normal Service Is Resumed

I think we are all recovered after a terrible three weeks of bugs, infections and colds. It has hit us all really hard and today, finally, we all seem to be ok.

It really makes you realise how dependant on me the Princess is. I have felt worse in the past two weeks than I have felt in years and it has been so difficult to even lift my head off the pillow some days let alone trying to look after a sick baby (and husband). Anyway, that is in the past and I am ready to get going and try to get some cleaning done in the house. I have had zero energy for the past few weeks and so have hardly touched the thick layer of dust that covers every surface and the fluff balls lurking under the sofas.

So I have signed back up with the Flylady and am going to get myself back into some kind of rountine - wish me luck!!!!!!

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