Friday, July 22, 2005

Sick And Tired

Yes, after three months of good health, the Princess is sick AGAIN. This time it seems to be a tummy bug which has knocked her for six. After a frantic trip to the GP this morning, I feel slightly calmer as he reassured me that she would be fine. That poor man has seen me in tears too many times!!

Yesterday was a complete nightmare as she would not drink AT ALL. This was my main concern as I really don't want her to end up back in the hospital - anyway the genius that he is told me to try Lucozade sport - BINGO she knocked back two glasses of the stuff. Aahhhh I can sleep easier tonight (until she wakes me up that is).

The only other thing I have to say today is that I really take my hat off to single parents. L's Daddy has been very very busy at work and the extra pressure of dealing with a sick child on your own is no joke. I am so tired, not just with the whole day to day stuff but with all the worry of nursing my baby back to health. Going for a lie down now.

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