Monday, July 18, 2005

Being Me

Over the years, it seems our natural instinct for mothering has been lost. Maybe its because so many of us no longer live within an extended family, where skills and knowledge are passed from Mum to daughter. Maybe it’s because before we have kids, we think that knowing how to be a good mother and having the right answers just come naturally or from reading all the right books. But we soon learn better.

A lot is expected of mums today. Well-adjusted children don’t just happen. Developing their hearts and spirits must be the main thing, the central focus of our lives.

Well-adjusted, happy children come from families in which mothering is seen as a complex, beautiful challenge worthy of everything we can give to it. Mothering shapes lives and attitudes.

Freud describes the relationship of a young child to his mother as “unique, without parallel, established unalterably for a whole lifetime as the first and strongest love object and as the prototype of all later love relationships for both sexes.”

British psychiatrist John Bowlby states, “The young child’s hunger for his mother’s love and presence is as great as his hunger for food. Her absence inevitably generates a powerful sense of loss and anger.” Young children desperately need the emotional accessibility of a parent. That stability forms the foundation for all relationships to come.

So my point is…. That is why I am so exhausted. I am doing this (the hardest job that I have ever had) to the max. I am truly loving every minute of my day with the Princess as we learn so many things together. Only today we experienced so many new things.

1. she learnt a new body part (elbow if you are interested)
2. she played in sand for the first time
3. she crawled along a balance beam
4. she painted with a brush
5. she learnt to say baa (what sheep ‘say’)
6. she got a new tooth!!!!!!

I hope that I am doing a good job with my baby girl. I think I am! After all she is happy, smiley and bright as a button.

And that’s why I am a Stay At Home Mum!!!!!

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