Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Gap In The Market?

I am an avid reader. Anything will do, even the back of a cereal packet I just love to read. I no longer seem to be able to read a book though, as I am usually so tired at the end of the day that I only manage a page and therefore the average book would take me about a year to read. I therefore get my 'word fix' from newspapers and magazines as I can pick them up when I have 5 minutes spare. It seems to me though that a whole section of the population is missed in the huge magazine industry. I love to read about babies/toddlers and articles related to my strange new life as a stay at home mum (SAHM) but the stuff just isn't out there. There are several Mother and Baby magazines available which are a little too twee for my tastes and cover just the standard pregnancy/first year FAQs and there is the excellent JUNIOR which is great but is very desinger fashion based and is also very much centred on London living (a whole 16 pages devoted to just London).

Surely I am not so unual in that I am a SAHM who is interested in more than just articles which suggest painting your toenails as a way of cheering yourself up or giving you the top ten buys at Mothercare.

In America a new magazine (see here) is just about to hit the newstands which looks interesting, why can't we have something similar. Are you listening out there? I am sure this is a missed opportunity for someone.

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