Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I LOVE lists


How I love this cute little card organiser application. It is just the geeky kind of thing that makes my day - see it doesn't take much to please me.

Look at the things on it though - how homespun, how housewifely, how lovely.

I have been through a bit of an emotional time of late, battling and trying to share myself between a boy who wants to find trouble, a girl who craves her mummy's attention and a desire to be the 'perfect' housewife. I think have sorted all these issues now and am tackling things from a new angle - lets hope it works.

You see I love being a Homemaker. It brings me joy.

I don't spend my time dreaming up new ways to 'make house' because I think I should, I do it because it's something that I love and want to do well, for me and for my family.

I don't want to offend anyone when I say this but I don't care if people think what I do is right or wrong, worthwhile or purely old fashioned, it really doesn't matter to me because I know that what I do actually enables me to work toward being who I want to be and how I want my family to be.

Lists are a big part of this life and just seeing all those gorgeous homey things to do makes me realise how happy and lucky I am to be doing exactly what I should be doing and although at present things aren't picture book perfect - I am enjoying working towards it.


Cath said...

I love it too, and aren't lists just fab. I've read a few of your posts now and thought it was time that I 'came out' as a big old 'baby mother' fan. Sorry I haven't been in touch for a bit - time has lost me with car wrecks and sick children the last few weeks. xxx

Kazza said...

Thanks Cath - you know how much I LOVE your blog too. You are actually responsible for a lot of what we eat around here - when I just have no idea what to make for tea - I browse your blog and always come up with a cool idea! Keep 'em coming!!!