Friday, February 16, 2007

Hopes and Dreams

Well, I had hoped that the Princess' impetigo would be cleared up by today so that she could return to pre-school - it had and she did!!!! I am so pleased as a) she so loves it there and I hated her not being able to go and b) we have a builder coming today to survey our garage ready for conversion (this would have been chaotic if little miss L had been around).

This is another dream that we might be able to realise soon. We have wanted to convert the cold, dirty, mess of a garge into a family room/study for ages but as with these things, if it isn't absolutely necessary you just put it off. Now that the arrival of baby is imminent, we have got things moving and soon we will have another room into which we can spread (a small room, but a room none the less).

On the subject of dreams, Russell Brand seems to be making many appearances in mine. He is such an interesting person (and if you know me you know how I like 'interesting'), so clever, so witty, so charming and just a bit edgy. He presented the Brits the other night and I really hope that he doesn't become the 'youth' version of Jonathan Ross. His appeal (to me at least) is his risque humour and dare I say slight licentiousness and I would hate to see this watered down for the masses.

Anyway, my hopes and dreams for the coming week are that the Princess can remain healthy as we have a date with Noddy on Monday and that the garage conversion happens swiftly and smoothly.

Will my hopes become reality? Probably not. Will I ever be an optimist? NOPE!

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