Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Potty Training - Week 2

Things are going well.

When we are home all wees end up in the potty and 99% of poos are going in too.

Yesterday, we went out to a cafe, shopping and used a train... with no accidents along the way.

She isn't keen to use the big toilet yet but I'm just happy that we don't have to wash 10 pairs of pants every day now.

Distractions such as playing, tv, noise, other people (in fact, basically anything) can throw a spanner in the works and cause a wet patch but this has been rare as I ask her if she needs to wee about 5689 times a day, and even then she stops herself mid pee and finishs it on the potty.

So all in all, a week in things are going pretty well. The Gina Ford book that I followed said that she should be using the big toilet of her own accord by this point but you know what? I never did like Gina 'flipping' Ford!!!!

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