Monday, December 12, 2005

I Worry Too Much

I have spent the past couple of days reading up on 'toddlers and their feeding problems' as the Princess has been refusing pretty much all foods. I have been playing tough Mummy and not letting her snack between meals and only allowing unsweetened food (as I was worried a sweet tooth was developing) but last night we found out why she hadn't been eating.....

She has some kind of tummy bug and I spent most of last night cleaning up vomit. This morning the bottom end is going crazy and so hopefully whatever has been bothering her will soon pass.

I have learnt yet another lesson. Stop worrying about food issues. We have a little chick who loves veggies, adores fruit and always drinks her milk - so I need to chill out and realise that when she refuses food - it's for a blinking good reason!

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