Wednesday, May 11, 2005

It Seems Like Only Yesterday

One year ago, at this time, my contractions started and we knew that our baby would soon be with us. It took longer than anticipated and from this point took another 17 hours but we knew that our first meeting would be happening soon......

The pain I was feeling could never be explained and I thought I would never forget the agony, but one year on those feelings are a distant memory. What I won't ever forget is meeting my baby for the first time, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and the emotions I felt then still make me cry now.

She has changed our lives beyond recognition and fills every day with laughs and giggles. She is joy and she is my life.

I love her so much that sometimes I feel I will burst and no matter how tired, fed up and lonely I sometimes feel, she makes everything sunny again.

I won't be blogging tomorrow as we will be very busy eating cake, playing with new toys and cuddling all day long.

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