Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cabbage leaves, rain and cappuccinos

It is pouring today but I have had a lovely day so far.

Two friends have unexpectedly called by for a coffee and a bit of a natter. The boy is doing great - he no longer breastfeeds and although yesterday I was in agony, today the pain seems a little better (thank goodness for hubby's mercy dash at 9pm for a cabbage). He is drinking his milk from a cup and eating like a horse - he is growing visibly by the day (a little like those chickens Jamie and Hugh showed us last week)and is growing up fast *sobs*

The princess is great and again is growing daily, I left her and her friend playing computer at pre-school today. They looked so grown up and happy together *sigh*

During a very interesting conversation, a friend just described George Clooney as a cappuccino and I have to agree, he does look just like one. I could quite do with a caffeine fix right now! Strange really as I don't really 'go' for handsome men. My usual taste in men runs to wild men, drag queens, rockers and freaks but maybe I am growing more demure in my old age. Nah - Russell Brand still rocks my world.

Anyhow, it's been a very nice morning and I also have visitors this afternoon so I had better go and get the coffee on.

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