Thursday, December 06, 2007


Sleep has been very elusive around these parts recently. D Boy has been a real terror waking 6 or so times a night - at my advanced age this is no good - I just can't function on so little sleep. It's not just his wakings it's the fact that I can't then get back to sleep and then am on the go all day long too. I was beginning to fade but then last night the little beauty went from 6.30pm until 7am with just one waking at 2am for a feed. I don't feel any less tired yet but a few of those in a row would be very nice. Mmmmm what will tonight bring??? I will try to feed him up on potatoes and cheese today to see if that will help.

The princess is doing marvellous, she is busy practicing for her nativity play (a star don't you know - her twinkling is astounding ;) ) and we are all feeling very very festive. Childrens gifts are now all wrapped and I am not going to buy anything else for them. All other gifts are purchased and will be wrapped before the end of the weekend. Cards are now posted and I have placed my food order so now all I have to do is have a glass of sherry and a cherry liquer chocolate and watch my kids enjoy this special time of year.

I love lighting the candles of an evening, playing the christmas music and filling the house with the scent of cinnamon and pine (candles mainly!). We get the tree on Saturday and plan to spend all afternoon throwing bling onto it. I used to be very anal about the tree and it's colour scheme - now I just say go for it and throw all the shiny colourful things I can find at it.

I have always loved this time of year, but having TWO children in the house makes me so very thankful for what we now have and so very happy indeed.

Off for a bop to Jingle Bells with my boy!!!


Emma said...

You sound so happy Karen, lovely!!

Emma said...

Oh yes, also, try pasta for tea of an evening, it seems to do the trick to get G through the night!!