Wednesday, October 24, 2007

When will I learn?

I should trust my instincts. For some reason I have gotten myself in a complete mix with regards to Daniels feeding schedule.

I remember when the Princess was weaning that I fed her solids and finished each meal with a milk feed. This worked perfectly.

So why on earth have I been listening to the likes of Annabel Karmel (in book form, she hasn't been popping by!) who advocate giving solids at meal times and milk feeds mid morning and mid afternoon. This seemed totally crazy to me as you are always either givng solids or milk every couple of hours and so of course baby is not going to have a good appetite for either one.

I called into see our Health Visitor today who confirmed that my instinctive way is the preferable way and that it should work out for the best all round - after all we are trying to teach Dan to eat like a fully paid up member of the family who eats three meals a day not someone who is wanting something every few hours - this can only lead to a fatty in the long run.

So from tomorrow I will revert to our orginal plan of three meals a day two of which are followed by a drink of milk, one with a cup of water and milk twice a day on it's own (morning and night)

I so wish I would listen to myself sometimes as I did a pretty good job with the Princess and if I follow a similar pattern with D Boy we can hopefully expect equally good things.

Phewwww - now I can relax until the next issue arrives on the horizon - actually it already has - we need him to drop his 3am feed for my sanity if nothing else. Wish us luck....................

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