Monday, July 02, 2007

Operation Yummy Mummy (I changed the title as some of you thought I was talking about garden buildings)

Tomorrow I will enter a new phase.

I would like to lose a shocking amount of weight and for my legs to grow about 2 inches. A facelift and tummy tuck would also be quite nice.So, I've set myself reasonable goals and *looks up* I've got a positive attitude. I'm poised for success.

These layers of blubber on their way out and a new me will emerge. This may take a while, there's a lot to sort out but I WILL get there and be 'me' again. I want to feel sleek and smooth and have boundless energy and zest. I want to be the Mummy my kids deserve. I know I'm a great Mum but I also want to be a little bit Yummy too!

Look out - I'm on my way back..............................

1 comment:

Emma said...

You go girl!! I am six months down the line and only just starting to sort my appearance out i.e washing and styling my hair more than once a week!!! As for baby blubber, still a little way to go on that front!!