Monday, July 16, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

Not been on here much, as I haven't had a lot to say but thought I would just check in tonight.

Operation Yummy Mummy starts tomorrow with my return to WeightWatchers, I have a mammoth amount of weight to lose but I will be back in my clothes by Christmas -FACT!

Baby boy is doing great, he is smiling more now that his wind troubles are abating and is now reaching out for toys and trying to grasp them. He hasn't managed to suck his thumb yet, just his whole fist! He is huge and he is beautiful.

The Princess is a joy as ever.

I have just found some books that I just have to order for the children. They won't want them for years yet but they will love them in a few years time. Children grow up too fast these days, girls of eight look like PussycatDolls (not good!) and boys sit in their rooms playing computer games and grunting (not good!)

The Great Big Glorious Book for Girls and The Dangerous Book for Boys are what my childhood were about and I would love for my children to experience the same fun, innocent, exciting things that I did and I am sure that they will enjoy them as much as I did even if it is inbetween playing with Bratz dolls (arghhhhhh) or doing something technical that I don't understand (likely).

Ahhhh the long days spent making rose petal perfume, reading the stars and practicing knots - heaven.

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