Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Ok, so we haven't even had Christmas yet and I'm now on to New Year, I am still formulating my resolutions but here are a few to start with....

1. Make a will

2. Limit internet use - no computer between 9am and 5pm

3. Lose a stone in weight - I will be Kate Moss by Summer (without the drugs and dodgy boyfriends!)

4. Drink 2 litres of water EVERY day

5. Do some exercise

6. One load of washing and ironing EVERY DAY, this way I won't be in fear of the mega tower of ironing I currently have.

7. Ok and here is the big one - get driving. I don't even know where my licence is at the moment but I will make moves towards getting mobile.

8. Chill out and enjoy every day instead of worrying about tomorrow

There will be more.....................

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