Friday, January 26, 2007

Boy Oh Boy

Not a lot to blog around these parts. Life is going along smoothly and therefore it makes for dull reading but happy days for us.

The princess seems to have settled back to a normal sleeping pattern, we still do get odd bad nights but to be honest we are very lucky as on her good days we get over 12 hours from her so I suppose it's all swings and roundabouts.

We have had a scan to find out the gender of new baby M and........ it's a boy!!!! We were gobsmacked to find this out as we just assumed it would be another girl but we are now so happy that we will have some balance to our home and that DH won't drown in a sea of pink, glitter and barbie dolls.

I had a consultant appointment yesterday which confirmed that all is going well with baby M and we had a good chat about the whole VBAC versus c-section isssue. The consultant that we saw has to be balanced and give us all the pros and cons and of course a c-section does carry all the risks of major surgery but very minimal risk to baby, therefore my decision is made - I will be going under the knife.

If I attempt a natural birth there is a risk (tiny but still a risk) that complications could arise and one of these is that my old scar could rupture, this is fatal to baby. It's a risk I just can't take and if a natural labour doesn't go 'text book' I would end up with an emergency section anyway. So it is better all round (apart from for me!!!!) that we schedule a c-section so that we can be organised with the Princess and baby doesn't have any risks.

It is all feeling very real now. All of my appointments upto the end of March are now booked and baby shopping is going well. The nursery is looking good and apart from a couple of little things we are just waiting for baby M to fatten up and build himself up to join our family. Are we excited? Very!

The next couple of months will fly by - we have loads of stuff going on, so the days and weeks will pass quickly. The Princess starts pre-school in a little over a week and although this makes me very nervous (I don't really like the idea of losing control and some of these kids she will be playing with are horrible, snotty little monsters - but hey!) I know that she will love it and that it will do her the worls of good. She is already incredibly sociable and very confident but I hope it will be an environment in which she thrives. Also, I get to put my feet up for two mornings a week for two months - bliss!!! Although saying that I doubt I will as nesting is kicking in and all I want to do is clear cupboards and wash windows - freaky I know but it'll take me another two years to get round to it again so I had better grab the opportunity whilst I can!!!!!

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